One of my newest designs! This one is special because, in only a few phrases, it sums up my Girl Reinvented travel adventure – and a man I met along the way.
Be Brave
Seek Adventure
Breathe With Your Eyes
Do you understand the meaning of "Breathe with your eyes?" Of course, it's subjective, but for me, it means slowing down, paying attention to the small details, and absorbing each moment (into my soul). It's a reminder to be fully present and appreciate all the beauty surrounding me.
I wish I could take credit for the saying, but I can't. During my adventure, I was occasionally on Match, the dating site. My profile read, "I left NYC to travel the country..." As you can imagine, men were not lining up to date me. However, I did receive a tremendous amount of supportive emails -- which surprised me.
One particular email stood out from the rest. It was from a man named Jerome, "I missed you on both ends," his email read. He had just left San Francisco to move to NYC, and I was, sitting smack in the middle of America, at the confluence of the Mississippi and Wisconsin Rivers, reading his email. Jerome had traveled the country quite a bit and even hitchhiked across Canada alone -- he understood. "I would suggest some sites to see along the way, but I don't think that's necessary as your heart will guide you. The advice I will give you, however, is to breathe with your eyes." His words touched me, unlike anything I had read before. That single phrase embodied my entire journey. He did understand. He didn't try to tell me where I should go and impose his beliefs on me. Instead, he respected the deeply personal path I was on. My journey of solitude was spiritual and liberating, free from noise, judgment, and obligation. When you allow your heart to guide you, right and wrong doesn't exist. I didn't rely on books to tell me how I should feel. No one was correcting me, and I was free from expectations. I was learning to slow down and experience the soul-quenching journey in my own way. l was alone, allowed to process my emotions and feelings on my terms, and with each breath, I branded memories into my soul forever. Spicy or mild, cooked or raw, my journey was simple yet complex, and most importantly, it was mine and mine alone.