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NBCF + Girl Reinvented, LLC = Making a difference 

If you read my "about" section, you know I created a textile brand, DishRaggs.com, with it, the best brand extension in the world, my CharityRaggs GiveBack Program

My DishRaggs are a fun and whimsical way to brighten up your kitchen, and CharityRaggs takes that idea to a whole new level with the $5 giveback program. $5 of every CharityRagg sold will be donated to charity! Now, you can brighten up your kitchen, give the perfect gift, and spread goodwill simultaneously.

Breast cancer is a devastating disease, affecting millions of women (even men) annually. If you have not been personally affected by this horrendous disease, I bet you know someone who has. I do. Some brave souls have won the battle, while others have not. It's a dark, ugly reality, but we can not bury our head's in the sand and pretend this silent killer doesn't exist – or won't happen to us. We are all at risk. We must stay strong, support each other and be proactive. While a mammogram may not catch the disease for everyone, it's still our #1 defense against this silent killer. How do you fight an enemy you can't see? By being proactive and vigilant about your health and supporting organizations that help the underserved and misinformed – through early detection, education, and support.

Girl Reinvented, LLC is proud to support the tireless work of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Our official partnership aims to bring awareness and raise much-needed funds to give all women and men (of every race, religion, and socioeconomic background across this nation) a fighting chance.

I currently have two different CharityRaggs available to support NBCF. Click HERE to learn more!  

$5 from every NBCF CharityRagg sold will be donated to NBCF to provide help and inspire hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education and support services. #HelpingWomenNow

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