yoga | crunch fitness nyc uws
I forced myself to take yoga today! I know, "forced" shouldn't be used in the same sentence as "yoga", but I truly woke up this morning freaking out that I had no time. Then I thought to myself, "girl, this is exactly the reason why you should make time". After a brief negotiation with myself, I decided to go. My world really does need some zen right now.
NOTE TO FUTURE SELF: Read course description BEFORE attending class.
Location: Crunch Fitness w. 83rd Street NYC
Cost: You either need to be a member or $35 for one day, which includes class and use of gym.
Venue: Big corporate gym setting
Class: Yoga EXTREME
Class size: Crowded. Approx. 25 - 30 (10 guys, and the rest girls)
Level: Advanced
Description: Take your practice to the next level in this advanced class designed for the extreme yoga enthusiast.
Advanced Yoga? Really?! What was I thinking. (blah hah hah hah pure comedy!)
Summary: Not for the faint of heart! More of a workout than relaxing. Awesome class but a little too advanced for me to say the least! I tried to keep up as best I could but it was super fast-paced and there were some very tangled poses that I just couldn't even attempt. Definitely the hardest yoga class I've ever taken! For all you nay-sayers that don't think yoga is a HARD, tough workout -- take this class. I was DYING! There were 10 guys in the class -- if that's any indication! I may not be able to move very well tomorrow, so I'll be seeking out a "beginner" class somewhere!!
Hello World!
Only two more weeks left until leave on my road trip, and only ONE more week until I move out of NYC! Holy Toledo, the reality of what I'm about to do is really starting to sink in. On Memorial Day, I'll be moving my things to my father's house in CT for safe keeping while I'm out exploring the beauty of the world.
Today my girlreinvented blog officially begins; however, you'll notice my tone, now and over the next couple of weeks, will undoubtedly be a little manic and somewhat inconsistent! Don't get scared off. I promise to pull myself together!!
Today's Forecast
Today's forecast: manic with chance of lucidity midday!