
A HUGE thank you to Bruce Edwin, from The Hollywood Sentinel

Last year, during my fundraising crusade to take Blake to LA to receive his new power wheelchair, Bruce from The Hollywood Sentinel and Star Power Management, heard our cry for help and jumped to our aid! One of his clients shared with him Blake's story of struggle and hope. Bruce was so touched he didn't hesitate to help. He wrote the most sincere, heart-felt press release, even sharing his own personal story, and disseminated it over the news wire ($1,000 value)! What a huge gesture! We are so lucky to have such incredible people in our lives! 

I never shared the story, but I thought I would now as Bruce has once again come to our aid and offered to write a release for Jermaine!

Here's the story (click link below):

Doing the Right Thing - How One Person Can Help Make a Difference


happy saturday update

I've been working out so much lately my hair hurts!! I'll be updating with real stories soon,

• I've been working on getting Jonathan, another paralyzed young man from the nursing home, a new wheelchair! (In addition to Jermaine!!) 

• The 8th Annual Neurosurgery Charity Softball Tournament is coming up fast! On June 4, in Central Park, over 300 neurosurgeons from all over the country and Canada will be playing in a softball tournament to benefit pediatric brain tumor research! Gotta love the fact that this little idea, hatched in a bar over one too many beers, has become so hugely successful over the years! Stay tuned! You'll see some updates soon! 

And of course VOTE VOTE VOTE! :)


Friendly reminder to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! Click on Picture!


April is Autism Awareness Month! 

While Autismm doesn't directly affect me, if does GREATLY affect those I love. It's hard to process how difficult life must be for those families living with this cowardly disease. My girlfriend Marisa just posted this on her FB page. I want to help spread awareness. Like so many millions of people, her young boy is affected...

April is Autism Awareness Month. That beautiful little boy has Autism but you wouldnt know by looking at him. These are AMAZING children but challenges you could only understand if you live it in your family. This month is about educating yourself a little about autism so you can be more understanding but more about developing some compassion for EVERYONE around you. You never know what they're truly going through.

Here's some autism education for you and me!

How did my child develop autism?
No one knows for sure. Though it's understandable to expect that a disorder as common as autism would have a known cause, in many ways it's still quite mysterious. Recent studies suggest a strong genetic basis for autism -- up to 20 sets of genes may play a part in its development. Genetics alone, however, can't account for all the cases, and so scientists are also looking into possible environmental origins, as well as other triggers.

How common is autism?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects as many as 1 in every 110 children in the United States. Therefore, it is estimated that 1.5 million Americans may be affected with autism. Also, government statistics suggest the rate of autism is rising 10-17 percent annually. Unfortunately, the numbers appear to be continuing their upward climb. In fact, it is the most prevalent developmental disorder to date; according to the Centers for Disease Control, of the approximately 4 million babies born every year, 24,000 of them will eventually be identified as autistic.

You can obtain more information here: AUSTISM SPEAKS

This month, even if you aren't affected, do your part. Say a little prayer every night for a cure, and those struggling with this faceless disease!  

The face of Autism. Say a prayer for Nico, his family and everyone who struggles with this silent, mysterious, difficult disease. 


vote :)




I never do things like this but my sister-in-law, Jill, sent this to me to so I figured what the heck! Got nothing to lose and it would be super fun to win! My pose certainly isn't as contortionist as some of the entries, but I have cool boots! haha



Appears YJ site gets temporarily overloaded at times making it impossible to vote! Don't give up! Try back please!


Thank you to Lysa Heslov and her wonderful organization: Children Mending Hearts

For many years, my focus was strictly on providing resources to the boys: socks, underwear, warm clothes, shoes, winter hats, coats, gift cards, and computers – things most of us take for granted. It wasn't until I joined Blake on a doctor's visit last year that I realized the proper level of neglect he'd been enduring at the hands of the nursing home. Blake had been at the nursing home for over 2-1/2 years, forced to spend his days in an ill-fitting wheelchair (too heavy and too small) with a piece of plywood as support. Jenny Lieberman, Mt. Sinai Wheelchair Specialist, broke the news to me – I was overwhelmed. Blake's condition had deteriorated dramatically since he was first paralyzed, and now his overall health was in jeopardy. I was stupified. How could this happen? Why doesn't anyone care? How could the system allow him to fall through the cracks? And to be forced to sit on plywood all day? Someone actually thinks this is OK!?!? (see picture if you don't believe me!!)

Since then, with the support of incredible friends and incredible organizations, we've been able to change lives. Every penny raised goes directly to help these kids. 

Our newest guardian angel is Lysa Heslow from Children Mending Hearts. Lysa is donating $1000 to Jermaine's care!!!! Lysa also plans to create a fundraising page on her website for Jermaine. Thank you so much, Lysa!! The world is a better place because of people like you!! xoxo

Jermaine is still in the hospital, recovering from surgery to remove infected bone from his hip. A bone that only became infected due to neglect he endured at the nursing home! So outrageous!

Our mission is to move Jermaine out of that nursing home. Breaks my heart to think he has to return back to those conditions.

We WILL get Jermaine into a safe environment, but we need help. 



Baron Baptiste: Law #4


Never making a decision is a decision unto itself. It is a decision to stay in a personal fog. Staying in the confusion is safe, because in the fog, we never have to have the mundane that comes with committing to a path. 


Baron Baptiste: Law #3


So many of us would rather cling to the familiar than risk the unknown. The past is familiar, something we can hold on to, while the future is completely uncharted and feels groundless. But we must venture forward in order to grow. 

I think I've been following Law #3 and I didn't even know it! My life-changing adventure with no plan or direction was definitely ME STEPPING OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE! HEHE

Once we've gone inward, we can then step out beyond our comfort zone and find the courage to flow from our hearts. Going out on the ledge of our existence, we have no choice but to be real. When you are standing directly in the face of the unknown, all the rest of the phony stuff doesn't matter. In moments of great fear, everything else just falls away and tere is nothing buy you, your heartbeat, and your breath. Those are moments of pure truth, when you are cornered into simply being.

I think we all know someone like this (see below). They spend all their time complaining about their lives and never doing anything about it! 

Stepping out of our comfort zone means dropping the patterns and stories of the past. Our patterns don't have to go on forever; we can leave the past behind us if we are truly willing. If we don't step out of the known–the comfort zone–we bring yesterday's limited thinking into the present, therefore dooming the  present to be just like the past. We will keep repeating and doing the same things again and again, getting the same results, and then complain, "Nothing ever changes in my life." We seek proof of why we can't change, and all kinds of reasons why we won't let go of our dramas, stresses, resentments, fears, or self-destructive ways of being.

We all have the power to change our lives, we just need the courage to do it!



Baron Baptiste: Law #2


Honestly, this book is so awesome I want to quote the whole thing (but I'll refrain for your sake)! Baron's second law has to do with giving up control and coming apart. I like reviewing the chapters because it helps me absorb what I'm reading! :) 

There is so much in life we can't control. When we try to control, we are playing God.


We are always fighting for control: We are fighting for a better job, to make more money, to get people to understand us, to be heard. We are fighting for a relationship and our partner and parents to be a certain way. We are fighting to look a certain way and our friends to act a certain way. It's exhausting. Our bodies break down and we become ill. The stress can be paralyzing. It's time to surrender.

We have a hard time with surrender. To many of us, surrender means "I lose." The truth is that we can afford to relax and surrender because it's not a loss at all. In fact, it's a win. When we control the things that we are not meant to control, we are interfering with our natural success and potential.

To surrender and give up control is difficult but healing – I speak from experience. About 10 years ago I was in a very unhealthy relationship (I know I said I was going to be less personal but clearly I've thrown that idea out the window). Anyway, I certainly won't get into the details, but what I will say is that the madness was incredible fodder for an HBO special. Notice I said HBO and not regular TV. I realized one day, mid-madness, that I had a choice: I could choose to fight the insanity, and lose my mind in the process, or give up control. I realized the only person I could control in the equation was myself. So I made a pact to myself that every night when I put my head on the pillow I would do it with a clear conscious, grace and dignity – never bowing to his level, or fighting to be understood – I was going to lose, so why fight. No amount of screaming or destructive behavior was going to make things right. I would only feel worse about myself for "going there". I couldn't control his behavior, I could only control my own. My friends couldn't understand how I remained so calm. Even during the peak of insanity, my universe was happy and at peace (somewhat). I certainly wasn't in denial – I was fully aware that my life was a complete train wreck, but I chose to focus on the positive (as best I could of course).

Once I finally gave up control, it was as if a huge boulder had been lifted off me. I think it's human nature to want to "control", especially an "out of control" situation. We waste so much energy "fighting" to be in control, so let go. This chapter is a nice reminder! I better remember to practice what I preach!! 

For many of us, we need to get to the point where we are finally willing to give up control so that we can experience the healing we so desperately need. We need to trust and lose control, just as we do when we fall asleep at night. It's as though we hand ourselves over to the forces of nature to be restored, recharged and renewed. That is why control freaks are usually insomniacs; they simply can't let go!  

Can you sleep?


Dear Darrell Gwynn Foundation:

This letter I wrote to the Darrell Gwynn Foundation represents the voice of so many that care about Jermaine: Heather Baker, Jermaine's sister, Jenny Lieberman and Penny Marshall, fellow peace crusaders, and Blake Hunt, his good friend who nominated Jermaine for his new chair, and countless others. I'm happy to articulate our love and support for him, in hopes of making his life better!

Dear Darrell Gwynn Foundation:
Jermaine Fairweather is an incredibly special, church going, hardworking, intelligent young man. On a fateful day, three years ago, his life changed forever. What began as a fun night out with friends, turned to tragedy when he was gunned down in a senseless robbery. The spray of bullets rained down on him like a tsunami. He lived, but barely. Jermaine was left paralyzed by the incident.
With a very loving sister, but no money for care, he was forced to move into a deplorable state-run nursing facility where's he's left neglected by the system. No one should ever be forced to live that way – especially a wonderful young man like Jermaine, with a once very bright future.
Jermaine is one of so many paralyzed victims unable to afford the enormous medical costs associated with paralysis. Approximately 90 percent of paralyzed victims each year return to their homes, while the other 10 percent are forced to move into state run group homes. Hard to believe young men and women are living in such horrible conditions, falling through the cracks, forgotten. 
Jermaine has faced one complication after another, yet he is never without a smile. While most of us are enjoying the new hope of spring, Jermaine is currently in the hospital fighting a dangerous staph infection. The caregivers at the nursing home neglected his bed sores and cries for help. He knows his body and assured them something was wrong. They didn't listen. Ultimately, his sores turned into a life-threatening blood infection. His weakened immune system left him unable to fight – sending him CODE BLUE requiring immediate resuscitation. This NEVER should have happened. Even now, scared and in pain, he smiles through the phone when we talk. 
While Jermaine is under the care of the state, insurance will not pay for a new wheelchair. He is forced to use whatever old, ill-fitting chair they give him. Among the countless reasons I can list why he needs a new wheelchair, I've been told by a representative at the hospital his wounds will never properly heal in his current chair.  
Jermaine is a fighter. Although faced with huge, boulder size obstacles, he's determined to build a bright future for himself. Jermaine attends TCI College of Technology in Manhattan and is poised to graduate Sept. 2012 or Jan. 2013 with a degree as an electrical engineer technician. Jermaine is also engaged to be married, hoping to someday live a normal, prosperous life.
He is a bright ball of positive energy – always. Just spend a few minutes with him and I guarantee you'll be smiling for days. 
Cute story: One day recently, while traveling, I found myself sulking at a Colorado coffee shop as I nursed my pounding sinus headache with a cup of tea. Along comes a text from Jermaine with a picture of himself. Jermaine is an incredibly handsome young man most often found with perfectly coifed corn rows in his hair. This picture was not of the Jermaine that I know! What a HUGE afro! I couldn't stop laughing at the picture. I immediately replied and asked what he was doing!!?? His response, " Diana, diana, I'm gonna donate may hair to Locks of Love!  I've already talked to the lady and we just need to schedule a date. I want to help. I thought you'd be proud!!!!"  Boy am I proud. That's just one incredible story about Jermaine – there are countless others.  Even though he has nothing, he's still thinking of others – that's Jermaine. 
I am forever grateful to the Darrell Gwynn Foundation for all of the wonderful, life saving work you do!  Your generosity gives hope to so many left broken by tragedy. Thank  you so much for considering Jermaine for a new wheelchair! You will be saving another incredibly deserving life!!
Muah!  (Jermaine's signature sign off!)
Btw: During the warm summer months, just look on any basketball court or baseball diamond and you'll find him!

This is Jermaine three years ago in the nursing home. Our good friend Penny Marshall, along with one of my best friend's sherrie, helped pull off a great little fundraiser so we could buy the boys new computers, clothes, etc... This is Jermaine's first computer! He was able to obtain his GED!!