While Autismm doesn't directly affect me, if does GREATLY affect those I love. It's hard to process how difficult life must be for those families living with this cowardly disease. My girlfriend Marisa just posted this on her FB page. I want to help spread awareness. Like so many millions of people, her young boy is affected...
April is Autism Awareness Month. That beautiful little boy has Autism but you wouldnt know by looking at him. These are AMAZING children but challenges you could only understand if you live it in your family. This month is about educating yourself a little about autism so you can be more understanding but more about developing some compassion for EVERYONE around you. You never know what they're truly going through.
Here's some autism education for you and me!
How did my child develop autism?
No one knows for sure. Though it's understandable to expect that a disorder as common as autism would have a known cause, in many ways it's still quite mysterious. Recent studies suggest a strong genetic basis for autism -- up to 20 sets of genes may play a part in its development. Genetics alone, however, can't account for all the cases, and so scientists are also looking into possible environmental origins, as well as other triggers.
How common is autism?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects as many as 1 in every 110 children in the United States. Therefore, it is estimated that 1.5 million Americans may be affected with autism. Also, government statistics suggest the rate of autism is rising 10-17 percent annually. Unfortunately, the numbers appear to be continuing their upward climb. In fact, it is the most prevalent developmental disorder to date; according to the Centers for Disease Control, of the approximately 4 million babies born every year, 24,000 of them will eventually be identified as autistic.
You can obtain more information here: AUSTISM SPEAKS
This month, even if you aren't affected, do your part. Say a little prayer every night for a cure, and those struggling with this faceless disease!
The face of Autism. Say a prayer for Nico, his family and everyone who struggles with this silent, mysterious, difficult disease.