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finding mr. right,... on match?


I am incredibly happy and love my independence. Being single definitely has its perks, but I definitely wouldn't mind being "coupled" again someday. I'm certainly in no hurry, and I believe that is evident in the fact that I quit my job and set out on a cross country adventure alone with my dog. I am temporarily homeless and living in a camper, which looks more like a pimped out dog kennel. I do eventually want to meet that perfect guy. He's rugged, passionate, ambitious and adventurous. Do you know him? He's a man's man, but likes women. haha OMG I crack myself up. Anyway, I couldn't sit around and wait for him. I needed to LIVE my life and do things for me that I'd been putting off. I'll meet him some day and when I do, I'll never look back and "wish" there were things in my life I'd done, because I'm doing them. AMEN!

So I got to thinking, it couldn't hurt to go online and see who's "out there" (literally, across the country). I've been on Match before and as long as you don't take it too seriously, it's quite entertaining and who knows you could actually meet someone. Sure you might have to "block" the occasional stalker, but thankfully it's an option.

It's been a couple of weeks and I've chatted with some pretty cool guys online, albeit both from NYC so that doesn't help me right now. Regardless, it's still refreshing to chat with nice guys on here so you never know!

Here's a note to men out there that may want to give online dating a shot. Online dating doesn't carry the stigma it once did a decade ago, so why not give it a shot. I just look at it as expanding your dating pool. I know I'm speaking for all women when I say this,... keep your initial email short, sweet and clean! No weirdo comments about "spooning" or wanting to be someone's "chocolate lover"! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED! (and yes, someone did reference wanting to be my chocolate lover.

Below is an example of what to say in your introductory email to a girl, and the other is what you NOT to say. 

OK men, listen up –

This is an example of a normal, cool email...

"How is your trip going? What part of Ca. are you going to? I live in Denver, but am in the process of moving next week to Sacramento, actually it's 20 miles outside of Sac. in the foothills. But anyway, if I hear back from you great if not have a good trip."

This is a nice, normal man. I don't think we'd have cute babies but that's besides the point, at least he was normal.

This is an example of what NOT to say... this is only an excerpt, the entire email was at least a page.

"And, finally, I'm very sensual. My dream date ends with cooking someone special breakfast _ my 'huevos moltulenos'...and I love playing spoons. 

Seriously, did this guy really write this to me and think I would respond. You don't talk about being "sensual",  "breakfast" and was he actually referencing the game of spoons or "spooning"?? EK! Either way, this entire email made me dry heave.  

Oh, and here's one more bit of advice. READ the girl's profile before you send your email!!! C'mon people. Keep in mind I am completely honest in my profile and say that I quit my job and I'm traveling across the country.

Clearly this man did not read my profile. I think he just copy and pasted an email to me...

Great pics and profile. Sooo you showed up as my "perfect match" yesterday which I'm pretty sure is a good thing? :) And after reading your profile, I thought we did indeed have some things in common.... Haha... Sooooo, here's to hoping you like the tall, witty, confidant, loves to laugh and tries to stay in shape type :). Let me know if you're interested in chatting or grabbing a drink after work one night."

Hey smart guy, how can I grab a drink after work one night when I don't have a job or live in NYC? Read Read Read. Girls appreciate that, I swear. He's definitely what I call a copy and paste bandit. He's the guy that's all about volume so he types the same email and copies it into a zillion emails. 

I have so so so many more awesome and scary emails archived! lol

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Reader Comments (6)

It always happens when you're not looking and when you least expect it. So you're kind of "cock" blocking yourself LOL I want to go on match now just for entertainment though. Did he mean spooning or playing the game spoons?Two totally different things but either way odd for a dating email. You are a catch my friend and I'm sure they are lining up for you but that doesn't mean they are the right ones for you. I believe things happen for a reason and most unexpectadly so enjoy your journey and invite us all to the wedding when someone is lucky enough to catch you. I never believed in stop trying to get pregnant and you'll get pregnant but damnit it worked -twice. So did being 17 in highschool and not being on the pill ,
but I digress . Even that was one of the best gifts ever. The moral was I think the same applies for finding love.
Just be careful, there are alot of crazies out there. (I sounded like such a mom right there didnt I? LOL)

August 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarisa

OMG, that's priceless you just said I was "cock-blocking" myself. I'm crying. I wouldn't mind finding love but not in a hurry to rush into love (clearly, that's why I'm still single) and I'm less in a hurry to pop out a baby!!! If it happens it happens!!

Btw, if you saw the rest of the email you would know he meant "spooning" -- not playing spoons. Again, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Only a mom would ask if he was referring to the "game" of spoons.

I'm so lost b/c I have no idea what the game of spoons is.. I just googled and found this video.. is this what you're talking about?

August 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterGirl Reinvented

One of my best friends got married at age 40 for the first time and she met her husband on MATCH! It's possible! She did go through a few duds, crazies, etc... but you'll do that anyway even if you're dating in the traditional way and heck, you can't really date in the traditional way because you're mobile! I say go for it. Be careful though (that's MY mom comment).

There is also "playing the spoons." This is a method of using spoons as an instrument. Guy and I met a guy on the road once who called himself "The Spoon Man." (Yeah, I bet he tried to use that one as a cheesy pick-up line more than once!)

Oh, look... I found him on youtube.... I love youtube!!!


August 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim

OMG That was hilarious. I had no idea people "played" spoons!!!! Was her really wearing ass-less chaps in one of the segments (with jeans under of course - it's a family video)? So funny. Maybe this guy really did mean he played them like an instrument. I was just totally thrown b/c he used "sensual" and "spoons" in the same sentence. haha.

August 25, 2010 | Registered CommenterGirl Reinvented

Well my love, I feel YOU do know what is OUT THERE, that is why you are journeying across the United States camping in YOUR trailer, loving and enjoying life! Not that you are looking for Mr. Right on the road, but you are embracing the incredible woman you are!

The internet at this time in your life I see, is for pleasure or survival! And we all know in the short time we have been friends, a man is not survival to any of us! Yummy yummy, loving, caring, fun and full of life that is where I am with my man in my life! I do give thanks daily for that blessing!

So you just put your face to the sun and your back to the wind and allow life to give to you what you need at this time and moment! You have know idea where or when things will turn and who you will meet. So give it all up, to life and the incredible universe we live in! Because when you do meet that guy whether it is a corny spooning or chocolate lover comment, you will know! Hands down without a doubt!

Cliché or not, that is what I believe! P.S We are attending a dear friends wedding this weekend, they met on Match.com. It was meant to be, they fell in love!!!

August 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnnette Avery

This made me LAUGH out LOUD!!! HYSTERICAL!

October 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSherrie

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