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yoga day 25 | laughing lotus

FREE YOGA IN THE PARK courtesy of Laughing Lotus

What new nuggets of stress will today hold.  No doubt it will be another rollercoaster of a day (anyone who knows me knows how much I HATE rollercoasters! ugh) Every time I turn around there seems to be one more hurdle to get Blake to LA. Access-a-Ride, the only folks that have a photo ID for Blake dropped the ball completely and did not send out is new ID. Why can't people just follow through? I don't understand. At this point, Blake and I are showing up to the airport with NO PHOTO ID for Blake. That should really go over well with Delta security!? Oy Really need to capture this on video! Gonna be a doozie. Learning access-a-ride sucks was definitely a down moment; however, then I actually got some positive news!! Looks like I CAN travel to LA with Blake's medication after all. This is a tremendous plus. You have no idea. Now onto more down news (hence the rollercoaster reference!) Looks like the state is requiring we have a full time live in aid AND a nurse. Really. OK, breathe. Whatever they want they're gonna get. No sense stressing. Blake will have all the care he needs.

As you can tell, I definitely needed my yoga today. It's either that or a shot of whiskey. Unfortunately the whiskey buzz would only be temporary, so I'll go with yoga...  :)

Location: Laughing Lotus (outside in the park 10th Ave. Btw 14th & 15th) Main studio is located at 59 West 19th Street

Cost: FREE (I like FREE and they give you a FREE pass for a class at their main studio

Venue: Outside overlooking the westside highway! 

Class: Vinyasa

Class size: I didn't count but I'd say about 30. There were a couple guys

Level: Begginer/Intermediate

Description: Nice relaxing yoga. Slightly challenging. Definitely a good workout but nothing like the "Nazi".

Summary:  I was pretty skeptical at first, as I didn't think it would be possible to tune out the deafening sound of traffic and horns... but it was! After a couple of minutes, I found yourself focusing on the poses and not our personal audience or traffic. If you have some time, I would definitely recommend taking the class. Why not! It's free and it's a good work out. You'll definitely get "out of your head" for an hour and that's always good – especially here! Total bonus that they give you a free pass to their main studio which is a $16 savings. (I can't imagine that was just a one time thing. Ask if the instructor doesn't offer).

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