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bikram yoga | ann arbor, michigan!

I finally found a yoga studio that offered a full schedule of classes – more than just once or twice per day! I had options, finally! I must be in a big city! I've been doing podcast yoga every morning just to make sure I get my daily dose, but I was DYING to take a class. Yay, for Ann Arbor Bikram. Plenty of classes to choose from! 

LocationAnn Arbor Bikram Yoga 3227 Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Cost: $18 for class + $2 towel rental 

Venue: Dedicated Bikram studio. Room had padded floor and teacher is on elevated platform - similar to other Bikram studios. I'm beginning to detect a theme here...

Class: Bikram

Class size: Medium (not overcrowded)

Level: Intermediate  

Description: You sweat your a## off in 104 degree heat working through 26 poses. Bikram is the same 26 poses each class. Heat is meant to warm your muscles so you can get deeper into your poses.

Summary:  I almost passed out! I have been eating healthy and I've done Bikram before, but for some reason, this class kicked my a##. I got so incredibly dizzy in the beginning so I had to sit it out for a bit. I got back into it, but definitely not my best performance - at all!! I truly DID NOT want to pass out and have these folks call 911 with lulu sitting right outside in the 'yoga office'. What would become of lulu? Who would take care of her.  All of these things ran through my mind – so I sat down and skipped (probably) every other pose!! I was not feeling it!! I guess the 'traveling' caught up with me – that and the heat!!

Other than zip code, there was no difference in the yoga you might find in NYC. It's definitely all about the teacher – and Brett was good. I loved that he remembered everyone's name and would call you out during class if you needed fixing (I got called out a lot! haha I didn't mind!!). The number one place I'm sure I'll see a difference is in the "cost" per class. I would imagine it will be a bit cheaper in some places where the real estate is less expensive. Not sure though! We'll see.

me (after apparently walking through a windstorm) and the the three "yogi" bears!

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