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yoga day 26 | nyc's finest

I was walking by the Engine 74 Firehouse the other day when John, one of the very handsome firemen, noticed the mat strapped to my back and asked where I do yoga. We proceeded to chat about yoga for quite some time! He said he wanted to go, but probably not until the fall when he has more time.  Anyway, I can "date" and do my "yoga" at the same time! John would be my first test case. Yoga with one of NY's Bravest. Love it! Just need to convince him to go.

Here's my new pickup line...

Hey handsome (or insert your own flattering adjective here), would you like to do yoga with me? It's for "research". Blahahahaha. Little does he know what kind of research! Seriously, I crack myself up.

No really, you can honestly learn a lot about a guy through this process. 1) How agreeable is he to your advances. 2) How flexible he is (always good to know). 3) Does he get pissed off or laugh at his lack of "yoga" ability (this won't always be the case, but when it is you will quickly learn if a guy is a stupid, machismo) 4) Is he willing blow off watching sports (game 7 of the NBA finals to be exact! Lakers vs Celtics!) yes, he did. 

My "research" ploy worked. John agreed to do yoga with me, and I didn't even have to call him handsome, even though he is. 

LocationPRACTICE YOGA 140 West 83rd Street (also a location in the W. Village). Love this place!

Cost: Normal cost for a drop in class $20, but I told the owner I was bringing one of NY's Bravest from Engine 74, which is a few doors down, so she comped us. I normally would never suggest such a thing, but if John likes it, she could have herself a whole new clientele!! Was honestly trying to help her business. 

Venue: Great, quaint, little studio. (I've been here before "Yoga Day 2")

Class: Vinyasa

Class size: Small and personal. Only 5 (John was the only guy)

Level: Level 1-2 (I'd say the class was advanced beginner, but not quite intermediate)

Description: Really good workout. In the beginning it felt a bit more like pilates (core strength training), but it was great none-the-less. I love pilates. I've never taken this instructor before, but I got the sense she was adding a little more "strength training" to it for John's benefit. I thought it was great – and great if she did, but I have no idea. 

Summary:  First of all, I only wish I had this on video. We began class by doing some strange pelvic moves that I have never done before in a yoga class! It was so funny that John and I totally lost it. I was laughing so hard I was crying. Thankfully that ended, because it was impossible to take the class seriously. John is in incredible shape (fireman, lifeguard, triathlete), but YOGA still kicked his ass! John passed #3 (he was totally laughing at the fact that he was completely struggling). I was laughing too, but only because he was. I wanted to capture the moments on my camera but that wouldn't have been fair. Bad enough I already lured him there under false pretenses. In summary, great guy, good sport, so much fun. I love my new plan. :)

Thought I would share this little nugget of knowledge... :)


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