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yoga | practice yoga nyc uws

I started my morning off by calling the cable company to cancel service.  Thought that would be an easy enough task to check off my list!! Right?  Amazing how rude these folks can me.  They blatantly came right out and told me that if I was upgrading my service, they would be more than happy to have a service technician come out this week; however, since I'm canceling service, it would take at least 2 weeks for an appointment?! Really?! I was definitely in need of some yoga after that conversation!!!  

I was still in pain from my moronic foray in "Yoga Extreme" yesterday, so I popped 2 advil and heading out for a "beginner class". 

LocationPractice Yoga 140 W. 83rd Street NYC 

Cost: $20 per class ($15 lunch time express / $12 students). Packages available.

Venue:  Small, private, intimate, personal

Class: Beginner / intermediate 

Class size: 7 (6 girls and one guy)

Teacher: Very very helpful and intuitive. She's located directly in the "middle" of the room so it's easy to follow all of her moves and instruction.  I've never done a "head-stand" as it's always been a very intimidating move; however, she made me feel so comfortable and confident that I got it right away!  Btw, headstands are exhilarating!  Who knew!?  

Level: Level 1+2 

Description: A class for students with a basic understanding of the yoga practice, who are looking to enhance their study. Focus will be on correct alignment of poses and breath-work.

Summary:  I've walked by this little yoga shop a million times over the past five years and never even gave it a second thought.  It really doesn't look like much from the outside, but as soon as you walk into the studio you're taken a back by its charm. The space is a tranquil, cozy retreat.  "A little piece of heaven on the UWS".  This is exactly what I needed today.  This was my first trip to a non "gym" setting for yoga, and I realize now what I've been missing.  At first I was anxious as I looked around for a "clock" and realized they didn't have one!  I also left my apartment without my watch or my blackberry, so this was gonna be tough!  I'm always racing to be somewhere so this "new me" was going to be an adjustment. 

The back wall of the room is paneled by sliding glass doors that lead to a deck -- a RARE find in NYC.  It was a breezy day and the doors were perched partially open to allow a soft, cool breeze into the room. I even heard birds chirping!!!  I'm not kidding!  I had to focus for a moment to confirm, and yes, they were birds! I definitely know the difference between a firetruck and a bird!  

The yoga was delivered in a slow relaxed pace, yet my muscles were definitely working and my limbs were becoming more limber! 

Love this place and would highly recommend it!

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