Coaching and giving back with the Saugatuck Rowing Club :) 
Monday, August 14, 2017 at 04:32PM
Girl Reinvented in giving back

I was blessed to spend 6 glorious weeks teaching Bridgeport (CT) inner-city kids how to row this summer. As you can imagine, the experience was so much more significant and critical than just rowing. We not only had a responsibility to teach those 14 beautiful young souls how to row; we also had a duty to make them feel welcome and deserving and, more than anything, believe anything is possible. Exposure and opportunity can change the trajectory of a child's life.

Rowing has an elitist stigma, but the Saugatuck Rowing Club is working hard to change that. The rowing club seems inaccessible from the outside, but it's the complete opposite. We are, and always will be, an all-inclusive community of rowers and (your average/sometimes above average) gym buffs.

Here's a great article that was written by the popular Westport blogger, DAN WOOG 06880 :) 





Article originally appeared on GIRLREINVENTED.COM (
See website for complete article licensing information.