one more night in cleveland
Friday, July 9, 2010 at 05:58PM
Girl Reinvented in home, love & dating, ohio

Woke up this morning and headed out the the stables to meet one of Greg's racing horses, Icy Glance. Icy was heading for an exercise "swim" and I thought it would be a cool thing to see – and it was! Beautiful horse. I LOVE horses by the way! Greg lives on a 18 acre horse farm here in Cleveland. Note to self: you can meet cool single people at Whole Foods! Who knew?

After the horse visit, I got a voicemail and a text from Greg... apparently I'm so "entertaining" (haha) that Greg (my new Cleveland friend) would like me to stay another night! So much so that he's offering to pay for my hotel room!

Am I crazy to accept?

Maybe, but I made it VERY CLEAR there would be NO funny business what-so-ever if I let him pay for my room. No obligation. Nothing. JUST friends. Seriously. I grappled with the decision for a bit, but then thought why the heck not! If he's hell bent on paying for my room, who am I to disappoint him?! I don't want to hurt his feelings. The idea of staying and taking a long nap was SO exciting! Sure I could pay for my own room, but why do that when someone else is offering? I still needed a second opinion before I could accept so I dialed my brother, the voice of reason. When my brother Chris was done laughing, he said go for it – as long as I stay alert and smart –––– I can do that!!

So here I am, still in Cleveland, still at the Marriott! Btw, Greg knows I'm leaving/driving across the country and he knows I'm blogging about him! Hi Greg!

Article originally appeared on GIRLREINVENTED.COM (
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