I decided that I "may" want to camp on this trip. I'm totally freaked out about doing it alone, but some of my snowboarding friends said they'd meet me on the road! I think it's time to buy some camping gear -- just in case! One problem, I'm right next to a REI Store but I left my wallet in Starbucks 1.5 hrs away!
I could see my father shaking his head at me as I filled him in on the 'almost' lost wallet incident. He wasn't surprised, concerned but not surprised. Anyway, I thought I could go to REI, pick out my stuff, then put him on the phone to give his credit card to pay for it! Easy right? In retrospect, I'm not entirely sure if my dad's 'concern' was for my mindlessness or the fact that I was buying camping gear. Either way, he agreed, now I just have to convince REI it's a good idea. The manager was stubborn but he finally gave in. Now I'll retrace my steps back to Starbucks to pick up my wallet. haha
I Bought a 2-person tent (for me and lulu), goose down sleeping bag, a self-inflating air mattress, lantern and all sorts of other supplies!!