Before I hit the trails at Bushkill, I sent my old friend Rachele a quick text. I met Rachele and her boyfriend (now husband) in NYC 5 years ago while feeding the homeless. Goes to show you, those that feed the poor together, stay together! Rachele and her husband moved to Pennsylvania, where they're both from, a little over 2 years ago after the wedding... it's been that long since I've seen her! She had a baby boy I was dying to meet as well. Life had changed quite a bit in the last couple of years for her, and I couldn't be happier! Hope she gets my text!
I had no signal in the woods, but had a text and voicemail from Rach as soon as I emerged. Thankfully she was HOME and so excited for me to visit! Yay! I get to see Rach, Andrew, Hagin and get a home cooked dinner!! Yay me. :) She gave me directions and after a quick stop at Starbucks (somewhere in PA), I headed on my way. She lives about 1-1/2 hours from Bushkill Falls in Edinburg, PA
Something you should know, if you don't already... I have this incredible propensity to spill EVERYTHING on me. I'm a walking disaster. I really should wear a Tide-To-Go pen as a necklace. That being said, my trip to Starbucks did not let down. As I was fixin' my coffee, I spilled the entire thing all over me, the floor the counter... disaster. The girl came scurrying over to clean "me" up and in all of the fluster I left my wallet! Only problem is I didn't realize this until I was pulling into Rachele's driveway! Second problem is I had NO IDEA where the heck I was. With Rachele's help, I proceeded to call every Starbucks in PA (not really, but you get the point!). We did call about five though. Thankfully I hit the jackpot in Easton, PA. The same girl that cleaned up my spill answered the phone. She clearly remembered me, my mess and she had my wallet. PHEWWWW. What a way to start the trip!!! And it's not a small wallet either!! It's a purse/wristlet! Can't believe I was such a mess, jeeez. Thank goodness! Someone was looking out for me. From now on, the wristlet stays on my wrist!! DUH!!
Our evening was full of much wine and much catching up. We had a ball. Rachele and Andrew eat VERY healthfully so I was in good hands. My "healthy" diet was not going to suffer in the least bit with them. Perhaps the bottle of wine was off diet, but it was worth it! :)
I slept in, missed my 9am yoga class and it was at that moment I realized I need to get in the habit of doing podcast yoga (via internet) every morning – just in case something like this should happen again (which it probably will), or if I have trouble finding a class! At least I'll have it done for the day and if I do find a class – bonus for me!