crystal mountain resort & spa yoga
Friday, July 23, 2010 at 12:29AM
Girl Reinvented in home, michigan, yoga

I googled yoga in the area and was thrilled to find Crystal Mountain offers "mountain top" yoga! I had just missed the class on July 10 by a few days, but the next class is July 21st – who knows, maybe I'll still be here!

Yes I was and yes I did!  

Location: Crystal Mountain Resort & Spa 12500 Crystal Mountain Dr. - Thompsonville, Michigan 49683 | (800) 968-7686

Cost: Free to guests. I was charged $10 - a bargain!

Venue: Beautiful, breathtaking panoramic views of the mountains!

Style: Hatha

Class size: about 10-12

Level: Easy/beginner

Summary:  My day could not have ended on a better note! With Lulu in tow, we rode the chairlift up to my first "mountain top" yoga class.  With the sun shining down on us and a light breeze in the air, it was an energizing and peaceful experience.  Life is good. 

Me & lu riding the chair lift up the mountain for yoga!
a moment of reflection at the end of class (this is our instructor) 

Article originally appeared on GIRLREINVENTED.COM (
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