"tragedy of crystal lake"
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 02:21PM
Girl Reinvented in michigan, swimmer's itch, tragedy of crystal lake

“In 1873 an ambitious but ill advised project was put through in an effort to connect Crystal Lake and Lake Michigan with a navigable channel. The original level of Crystal Lake was, at that time, much higher than its present level. The project was a complete failure in respect to its accomplishing its proposed purpose. The result was the lowering of the lake and exposing a wide stretch of beach around the entire lake and making possible the development of Crystal Lake as a resort and residential area as well as the site of the village of Beulah. This monument, erected by the people of Benzie County, stands at the original level of Crystal Lake. 1978.”

I might aslo add that the current tragedy is the "swimmer's itch" I got while swimming in the lake! eck!

Article originally appeared on GIRLREINVENTED.COM (http://girlreinvented.com/).
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