You quietly help from the sidelines – wanting nothing in return except to make a boy's life better.
I would be remiss if I did not send a special thank you to Jenny Lieberman (pictured on left). Jenny is the "wheelchair seating and positioning advanced clinical specialist" at Mt. Sinai Hospital. She measured Blake and moved mountains to make sure his manual wheelchair was delivered and put together in time for our Jan. 21st fundraiser. More recently, she took over the reigns and filled out the mountain of paperwork required for Blake to be considered for a new POWER wheelchair through the Darrell Gwynn Foundation. There was so much on my plate; I was dizzy. I desperately needed help. That's when I got a phone call. "Hi Diana, I just saw the paperwork. Do you want me to fill it out for you?" Huh? REALLY? Are you kidding?! What? OMG. Absolutely! I'm so lucky Jenny was there. Without her, Blake would not be cruising in his chair(s)! The truly incredible thing about Jenny is sthe fact that she has actually thanked ME for "letting" her help?!?! Seriously?! You have to be kidding. It's pure comedy. Some people are just born "givers".
Next, the Harlem Dowling Foster Care Program. I can't say enough good things about these folks. Karen Dixon and Rita Sanchez were MY guardian angels. Without their help, support and love for Blake, he never would've gotten on that plane. They moved mountains to track down his birth certificate, wrote letters, handled medication, created his ID, and so on. True heroes in my book. They're truly special people. We're lucky people like them are taking care of our youth. I just wish they worked at the nursing home!. Jenny, Karen, Rita (and others at foster care), selflessly gave everything they had to help me and make a boy's life better. Thank you for making a difference! The world is a better place because of people like you! Blake is lucky to have you in his life (me too)!
Also, thank you to everyone who donates (money they have and money they don't have). I would not be able to help Blake without your extreme generosity. Thanks for listening, caring, and helping. I know my emails can probably get quite annoying! (eek sorry! It's for a good cause!) You are saving a boy's life, lifting him out of the gutter and giving him opportunities he would never otherwise have!
Thank you!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
The End! (For now!)