thank you lulu
Saturday, July 10, 2010 at 08:54PM
Girl Reinvented in home, love & dating, ohio

If lulu didn't get us kicked out of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, I never would have went to Whole Foods at the time I did, and crossed paths with Greg! It's funny how life happens. 

Greg came to my hotel to pick me up at around 8. We were both starving. As we headed down the road, we could see fireworks exploding in the distance. Greg, excited as a little kid, glanced over at me and asked "would you EVER eat 'fair' food". Laughing to myself, I responded with an exhuberant YES. I have been eating so healthy during this trip, but dang I can cheat a little. I can not believe I'm going to a carnival. It's truly the last place I ever thought I'd end up. I literally wear flip flops and sneakers around the clock, but of course I chose to put on my Stuart Weitzman espadrilles tonight! We're going to a muddy carnival dumb-ass!! Oy vey. I never said I was smart (but I look cute thought hahaha)

We had such a fun time, and my Stuart Weitzman's survived! Greg could not have been a more perfect gentleman. He dropped me back at my hotel around midnight and with a parting hug, we said good-bye. As I was walking in the entrance he hollered to me, "be careful out there! Not everyone is as nice as me!"  True, true, true and thank you!

Btw, for those that know me, how INSANE is it that I ended up at a CARNIVAL in OHIO (of all places)!! How crazy and how incredibly surreal. For those that don't know me, there's a HUGE backstory here.  I was looking over my shoulder the whole time. It's definitely not a story for my blog -- maybe my book (someday). :) 

Article originally appeared on GIRLREINVENTED.COM (
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